- Describe your process- reflect on what you learned while doing the Photoshop challenge.
- Remember to post your tutorial. Reflect/rate the tutorial- how helpful was it?
- Make sure that you posted the before images (before you Photo shopped them).
- Make sure that you posted your process work.
- Post your final work.
- How did you challenge yourself?
- Did you achieve your anticipated results?
- How well did you do? Give your self a mark /10 and explain why you are giving it to yourself.
1. During the Photoshop challenge, I learned a lot of things like adding water-ness (its not a word but whatever) and transparent affects. think I was most proud of learning how to add shadows even though its one of the easiest thing, I really liked it.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2zasFBAGck
4&5 is posted on separate posts.
6. The whole Photoshop thing was a challenge for me because i am a very rule following block-y kind of person and messing with reality is very hard for me. When something doesn't look right its hard for me to accept them, but this elective really helped me challenge myself and helped me think outside the box. If you see my old photo shops and compare it with this one, I have definitely improved. really proud :)
7. kind of. it kind of looks like water hands but also kind of failed i guess? i added the color and different kind of mood to it but the water doesn't look that real.
8. I would say 7.5\10 because even though I learned a lot of things it didn't show that well, and I would give myself a 10 when it looks more realistic. I still learned lots though, and I'm really proud of myself.