Friday, September 27, 2019

Self potrait question

Self portrait questions

what colors represent me?

um.. I'm not sure. My friend's say that I remind them of the color green. I'm not sure what color represent me, but my favorite color is white and black. White because I can draw or paint anything on it, black because it seems mysterious.

what elements and/or principal of design convey ideas and concepts surrounding my identity?

I think I'm really shy at first but when you get to know me, I can be really outgoing. So maybe if I'm using paint. It can start with a light color and then maybe end in a strong color. 

What do i think of masks?

I don't know, I don't really think about masks, but I think it hides a part of you but also reveals something about you, too.

What can thy represent or say about me? 

i'm not sure. I'm not really good at expressing myself or thinking outside the box because i like following rules and following instructions, so I'm not sure what to do. Maybe i can draw what i like or something.

how will I combine my ideas about masks with digital abstract expressionism?

maybe I can express my feelings with colors and just stick it on a mask. I don't really know.